# apostrophe-admin-bar

# Inherits from: apostrophe-module

# apos.adminBar

The admin bar module implements Apostrophe's admin bar at the top of the screen. Any module can register a button (or more than one) for this bar by calling the add method of this module. Buttons can also be grouped into dropdown menus and restricted to those with particular permissions. apostrophe-pieces automatically takes advantage of this module.

The admin bar slides out on all pages by default. It's possible to modify this behavior by adding one of the following options in app.js:

modules: {
  'apostrophe-admin-bar': {
    openOnLoad: false,
    openOnHomepageLoad: true,
    closeDelay: 5000
  .... more modules ...

In the above example, the admin bar stays closed on all sub pages of the site, but opens on the homepage and stays open for 5 seconds (default is 3 seconds). closeDelay is a global configuration and changes both the homepage and all subpages.

On the browser side there are also conveniences to implement jQuery handlers for these menu items.

# Methods

# add(name, label, permission, options)

Add an item to the admin bar.

The name argument becomes the value of the data-apos-admin-bar-item attribute of the admin bar item.

permission should be a permission name such as admin (the user must be a full admin) or edit-apostrophe-event (the user can create events and edit their own). If permission is null then being logged in is good enough to see the item. (Securing your actual routes that respond to these items is up to you.)

Usually just one admin bar item per module makes sense, so it's common to pass self.__meta.name (the module's name) as the name argument.

For example, the pieces module does this:

self.apos.adminBar.add(self.__meta.name, self.pluralLabel, 'edit')

If you have an events module that subclasses pieces, then this creates an admin bar item with a data-apos-admin-item="events" attribute.

Browser side, you can call apos.adminBar.link('item-name', function() { ...}) to conveniently set up an event handler that fires when this button is clicked. Or, if you wish to create an ordinary link, you can pass the href option as part of the options object (fourth argument).

You can use the after option to specify an admin bar item name this item should appear immediately following.

# group(items)

Group several menu items together in the interface (currently implemented as a dropdown menu). If items is an array of menu item names, then the group's label is the same as the label of the first item. If you wish the label to differ from the label of the first item, instead pass an object with a label property and an items property.

# afterInit()

Like the assets module, we wait as long as humanly possible to lock down the list of admin bar items, so that other modules can bicker amongst themselves even during the modulesReady stage. When we get to afterInit, we can no longer wait! Order and group the admin bar items.

# orderItems()

Implement the order option. This insertion sort results in putting everything otherwise unspecified at the end, as desired. Items with the last: true option are moved to the end before the explicit order is applied.

Called by afterInit

# groupItems()

Marks items that have been grouped via the groups option — or via group calls from modules, combined with the addGroups option — with a menuLeader property and ensures that the items in a group are consecutive in the order. We'll figure out the final menus at render time so we can handle it properly if an individual user only sees one of them, etc. Called by afterInit

# pushAssets()

# itemIsVisible(req, item)

Determine if the specified admin bar item object should be rendered or not, for the given req; based on item.permission if any. req.user is guaranteed to exist at this point.

# Nunjucks template helpers

# output()

Render the admin bar. If the user is not able to see any items, nothing is rendered