# apostrophe-docs

# Inherits from: apostrophe-module

# apos.docs

This module is responsible for managing all of the documents (apostrophe "docs") in the aposDocs mongodb collection.

The getManager method should be used to obtain a reference to the module that manages a particular doc type, so that you can benefit from behavior specific to that module. One method of this module that you may sometimes use directly is apos.docs.find(), which returns a cursor for fetching documents of all types. This is useful when implementing something like the apostrophe-search module.

# Options

**trashInSchema: if set to true, a "trash" checkbox appears in the schema for each doc type, and pieces in the trash can be edited. Pages in the trash are visually displayed beneath a trashcan for every "folder" (parent page), which is another way of expressing that trash is just a flag.

This allows pages to be restored to their exact previous position and decouples moving pages from trashing pages, which is useful for the apostrophe-workflow module. In addition, it becomes possible to edit the page settings of a page that is in the trash. Similar benefits apply to pieces and are needed for the workflow module. On the minus side, a trashcan at each level is less intuitive to users raised on the traditional shared trashcan.

**conflictResolution: by default, Apostrophe will attempt to resolve conflicts between users trying to edit the same document by presenting the option to take control or leave the other user in control. This mechanism can be disabled by explicitly setting conflictResolution to false. Doing so is not recommended for normal operation but has valid applications in automated testing.

**deconflictSlugs: by default, Apostrophe will suggest nonconflicting slugs based on the title as the user types the title of a page or piece. If you do not want this feature and would prefer that the user encouter a clear error message every time their slug is in conflict, forcing them to make a manual choice, explicitly set this option to false.

** advisoryLockTimeout: Apostrophe locks documents while they are being edited so that another user, or another tab for the same user, does not inadvertently interfere. These locks are refreshed frequently by the browser while they are held. By default, if the browser is not heard from for 30 seconds, the lock expires. Note that the browser refreshes the lock every 5 seconds. This timeout should be quite short as there is no longer any reliable way to force a browser to unlock the document when leaving the page.

# Methods

# enableCollection(callback) [api]

# ensureSlugIndex(callback) [api]

Index on the slug property. Emits a slugIndex event with a params object so it can be altered by other listening modules

# getSlugIndexParams() [api]

# getPathLevelIndexParams() [api]

# ensureIndexes(callback) [api]

# ensureTextIndex(callback) [api]

# ensurePathLevelIndex(callback) [api]

# find(req, criteria, projection) [api]

Returns a query cursor based on the permissions associated with the given request. The criteria and projection arguments are optional, you can also call the chainable .criteria() and .projection() methods.

If you do not provide criteria or call .criteria() you get every document in Apostrophe, which is too many.

If you do not provide projection or call .projection() you get all properties of the docs, which is fine.

This method returns a cursor, not docs! You need to chain it with toArray() or other cursor methods:

apos.docs.find(req, { type: 'foobar' }).toArray( function(err, docs) { ... } );

# insert(req, doc, options, callback) [api]

Most often you will insert or update docs via the insert and update methods of the appropriate doc manager. This method is for implementation use in those objects, and for times when you wish to explicitly bypass most type-specific callbacks such as the beforeInsert method of the doc manager.

Insert the given document. If the slug is not unique it is made unique. docBeforeInsert, docBeforeSave, docAfterInsert and docAfterSave are called on all modules that have them. These have a performance impact so they should only be used for critical matters and cross-cutting concerns such as versioning and security.

On success the callback is invoked with (null, doc).

If the slug property is not set, the title property is converted to a slug. If neither property is set, an error occurs.

The edit-type-name permission is checked based on doc.type.

If a unique key error occurs, apos.*.docFixUniqueError is called with the document. Modify the document to fix any properties that may need to be more unique due to a unique index you have added. It is not possible to know which property was responsible. This method takes care of the slug property directly.

The options object may be omitted completely.

If options.permissions is set explicitly to false, permissions checks are bypassed.

If options.skipAttachments is true, the operation will be slightly faster, however this is only safe to use if both the schema of the document and the schemas of any arrays and widgets within the document and its areas contain no attachments. This does not include attachments reached via joins.

If callback is omitted, a promise is returned.

# update(req, doc, options, callback) [api]

Most often you will insert or update docs via the insert and update methods of the appropriate doc manager. This method is for implementation use in those objects, and for times when you wish to explicitly bypass most type-specific callbacks such as the beforeUpdate method of the doc manager.

Update the given document. If the slug is not unique it is made unique. docBeforeInsert, docBeforeSave, docAfterInsert and docAfterSave are called on all modules that have them.

Update a single document.

The second argument must be the document itself. $set, $inc, etc. are NOT available via this interface. This simplifies the implementation of permissions and workflow. If you need to update an object, find it first and then update it.

docBeforeSave, docBeforeUpdate, docAfterSave and docAfterUpdate are invoked on all modules that have them. These have a performance impact, so they should be used only to implement cross-cutting concerns like versioning and address security matters.

On success the callback is invoked with (null, doc).

The edit-doc permission is checked for the specific object passed.

docBeforeUpdate methods can be used to enforce other restrictions.

If a unique key error occurs, apos.*.docFixUniqueError is called with the document. Modify the document to fix any properties that may need to be more unique due to a unique index you have added. It is not possible to know which property was responsible. This method takes care of the slug property directly.

The options object may be omitted completely.

If options.permissions is set explicitly to false, permissions checks are bypassed.

If options.skipAttachments is true, the operation will be slightly faster, however this is only safe to use if both the schema of the document and the schemas of any arrays and widgets within the document and its areas contain no attachments. This does not include attachments reached via joins.

If callback is omitted, a promise is returned.

# denormalizePermissions(req, doc, options, callback) [api]

Apostrophe edits doc editing and viewing permissions via joins, but for query performance then copies them to a single array with entries like: [ 'edit-xxx', 'view-xxx' ], where xxx might be a user id or a group id. This method performs that copying. It also invokes the docAfterDenormalizePermissions method of every module that has one, which allows the pages module to piggyback and add applyToSubpages behavior.

The options object is for future extension and is passed on to this method by insert and update.

This method also repairs any properties related to these which are null rather than a properly empty array or object.

# trash(req, idOrCriteria, options, callback) [api]

Trash a single document. The second argument may be either an _id, or a MongoDB criteria object. If more than one document matches the criteria only one will be updated. You must have permission to edit the document.

docBeforeTrash and docAfterTrash are invoked on all modules.

If options.permission is set, that permission is required (or none if it is set to false), otherwise 'edit-doc' is required.

The options argument may be omitted entirely.

On success the callback receives (null, doc).

# trashBody(req, doc, callback) [api]

# rescue(req, idOrCriteria, options, callback) [api]

Rescue the document matching the specified criteria from the trash. Only one document is rescued regardless of the criteria. You must have permission to edit it.

If options.permission is set, that permission is required (or none if it is set to false), otherwise 'edit-doc' is required.

docBeforeRescue and docAfterRescue are invoked on all modules.

On success the callback receives (null, doc).

# rescueBody(req, doc, callback) [api]

Remove the given document from the trash. You should call .rescue(), not this method. However you can override this method to alter the implementation.

# deleteFromTrash(req, idOrCriteria, callback) [api]

Forever discard the specified document or documents. All documents matching the criteria are discarded completely.

Documents not already marked as trash are not discarded.

You must have publish permission for the documents to discard them.

The use of this API without extensive user confirmation is strongly discouraged. Users who ask for a way to empty the trash will often ask for a way to un-empty it. There isn't one.

# emptyTrash(req, idOrCriteria, callback) [api]

bc wrapper for self.deleteFromTrash

# walk(doc, iterator, _dotPath, _ancestors) [api]

Recursively visit every property of a doc, invoking an iterator function for each one. Optionally deletes properties.

The _originalWidgets property and its subproperties are not walked because they are temporary information present only to preserve widgets during save operations performed by users without permissions for those widgets.

The second argument must be a function that takes an object, a key, a value, a "dot path" and an array containing the ancestors of this property (beginning with the original doc and including "object") and explicitly returns false if that property should be discarded. If any other value is returned the property remains.

Remember, keys can be numbers; toString() is your friend.

If the original object looks like:

{ a: { b: 5 } }

Then when the callback is invoked for b, the object will be { b: 5 }, the key will be b, the value will be 5, the dotPath will be the string a.b, and ancestors will be [ { a: { b: 5 } } ].

You do not need to pass the _dotPath and _ancestors arguments. They are used for recursive invocation.

# retryUntilUnique(req, doc, actor, callback) [api]

"Protected" API: methods typically invoked by the public API, although you may invoke and override them Retry the given "actor" function until it does not yield a MongoDB error related to unique indexes. The actor is not passed any arguments other than a callback. If an error does occur, docFixUniqueError is invoked on all modules with doc and an optional callback before the next retry.

# docBeforeInsert(req, doc, options) [api]

Invoked before any doc is inserted. Checks that the user has general permission to create docs of that type, generates an _id if needed, and sets createdAt to the current Date. Note that methods of this name are invoked on ALL modules that have them, starting with this one. Although this method takes no callback, other implementations MAY take a callback and are invoked in series.

If options.permissions is explicitly false, permissions checks are not performed.

# testInsertPermissions(req, doc, options) [api]

Called by docBeforeInsert to confirm that the user has the appropriate permissions for the doc's type and, in some extensions of Apostrophe, the new doc's content.

# docBeforeSave(req, doc, options) [api]

Invoked before any doc is saved (either updated or inserted). Generates a slug from the title if needed, throwing an error if there is neither slug nor title.

Also implements the "sortify" behavior for fields that specify it in the schema.

Note that methods of this name are invoked on ALL modules that have them, starting with this one. Although this method takes no callback, other implementations MAY take a callback and are invoked in series.

# ensureSlug(doc) [api]

If the doc does not yet have a slug, add one based on the title; throw an error if there is no title or no doc

# docFixUniqueError(req, doc) [api]

Invoked when a MongoDB index uniqueness error occurs, such as when the slug property is not unique. Modifies the slug to be unique. Apostrophe then retries the operation.

Note that methods of this name are invoked on ALL modules that have them, starting with this one. Although this method takes no callback, other implementations MAY take a callback and are invoked in series.

# docBeforeUpdate(req, doc, options) [api]

Invoked when a doc is about to be updated (not inserted for the first time). Checks permissions on that document and refuses to update it if the user lacks permission to do so.

Note that methods of this name are invoked on ALL modules that have them, starting with this one. Although this method takes no callback, other implementations MAY take a callback and are invoked in series.

If options.permissions is explicitly false, permissions checks are not performed.

# updateBody(req, doc, options, callback) [api]

Do not call this yourself, it is called by .update(). You will usually want to call the update method of the appropriate doc type manager instead:


You may override this method to change the implementation.

# insertBody(req, doc, options, callback) [api]

Insert the given document. Called by .insert(). You will usually want to call the insert method of the appropriate doc type manager instead.

# idOrCriteria(idOrCriteria) [api]

Given either an id (as a string) or a criteria object, return a criteria object.

# isUniqueError(err) [api]

Is this MongoDB error related to uniqueness? Great for retrying on duplicates. Used heavily by the pages module and no doubt will be by other things.

There are three error codes for this: 13596 ("cannot change _id of a document") and 11000 and 11001 which specifically relate to the uniqueness of an index. 13596 can arise on an upsert operation, especially when the _id is assigned by the caller rather than by MongoDB.

IMPORTANT: you are responsible for making sure ALL of your unique indexes are accounted for before retrying... otherwise an infinite loop will likely result.

# setManager(type, manager) [api]

Set the manager object corresponding to a given doc type. Typically manager is a module that subclasses apostrophe-doc-type-manager (or its subclasses apostrophe-pieces and apostrophe-custom-pages).

# getManaged() [api]

Returns an array of all of the doc types that have a registered manager.

# getManager(type) [api]

Fetch the manager object corresponding to a given doc type. The manager object provides methods such as find() specific to that type.

If no manager has been registered, this method will return null. All doc types used in your project must have a registered manager (hint: all subclasses of pieces, the data.global doc, and page types registered with apostrophe-pages always have one).

# docUnversionedFields(req, doc, fields) [api]

Add fields to the list of those unsuitable for rollback due to knock-on effects, permissions checks, etc.

# lock(req, id, contextId, options, callback) [api]

Lock the given doc id to a given contextId, such that other calls to lock for that doc id will fail unless they have the same contextId. If options.force is true, any existing lock is overwritten. The options argument may be omitted entirely.

id must be truthy. If a doc is new and therefore has no id yet, you don't need to lock it because it isn't possible that anyone else knows about it.

If the conflictResolution option is set to false for the docs module, this method invokes its callback successfully without actually doing anything. This is not recommended but has valid applications in automated testing.

# verifyLock(req, id, contextId, callback) [api]

Verifies that a lock obtained with lock is still held by the given context id. If not, the error is the string locked and a second argument with an internationalized message is provided also. If the lock was taken by the same user in another tab or window, the error is locked-by-me.

If the conflictResolution option is set to false for the docs module, this method invokes its callback successfully without actually doing anything. This is not recommended but has valid applications in automated testing.

# getAdvisoryLockExpiration() [api]

# unlock(req, id, contextId, callback) [api]

Release a document lock set via lock for a particular contextId.

If the conflictResolution option is set to false for the docs module, this method invokes its callback successfully without actually doing anything. This is not recommended but has valid applications in automated testing.

# unlockAll(req, contextId, callback) [api]

Release all document locks set on behalf of the given contextId.

If the conflictResolution option is set to false for the docs module, this method invokes its callback successfully without actually doing anything. This is not recommended but has valid applications in automated testing.

# getDefaultUrlFields() [api]

Returns the field names necessary to build URLs for typical doc types. If a cursor specific to a doc type is used, the getUrlFields method of that module is called instead. This method is used to implement "projections" for the _url computed property

# requireEditorOfSomething(req, res, next) [api]

Useful middleware when we want to reject a user who does not at least have editing permissions for at least one doc type, but we don't care what doc type it is. This is just for defense in depth, of course you still need to be sensible about what you return or permit for individual situations. It is a good gate for access to the manage view of pages when editing a join with pages, for instance

# pushAssets() [browser]

# pushCreateSingleton() [browser]