# apostrophe-login

# Inherits from: apostrophe-module

# apos.login

Enable users to log in via a login form on the site at /login.

# Options


alternative login url, if this is not present, the login route is /login


If explicitly set to false, the /login route does not exist, and it is not possible to log in via your username and password. This usually makes sense only in the presence of an alternative such as the apostrophe-passport module, which adds support for login via Google, Twitter, gitlab, etc.


The minimum length for passwords. You should set this, as there is no default for bc reasons (effectively the default is 1).


An optional array of password rule names, as strings. The standard rules available are noSlashes, noSpaces, mixedCase, digits, and noTripleRepeats. The noTripleRepeats rule forbids repeating a character three times in a row. By default no rules are in effect.

When this option is set, the rules are consulted when a password is set or reset. Existing passwords that do not follow the rules are tolerated. If you wish to enforce them for existing passwords as well, see below.


By default, password rules are enforced only when a password is being set or reset. If you wish, you can set resetLegacyPassword: true to require users to reset their password on the spot if it is correct but does not meet the current rules. However if you are able to enable the email-based passwordReset: true option that is slightly more secure because it requires proof of ownership of the email address as well as the old password. You can combine that with passwordRulesAtLoginTime, below.


By default, password rules are enforced only when a password is being set or reset. Setting this option to true will apply the rules at login time, so that even an existing password will not work unless it passes the rules. This can be useful if you don't mind a few irritated users and you have enabled the email-based passwordReset: true. However this requires email delivery to work (see below), so you may be more comfortable with resetLegacyPassword: true (above).


If set to true, the user is given the option to reset their password, provided they can receive a confirmation email. Not available if localLogin is false. Email delivery must work, which requires more configuration; see sending email with ApostropheCMS.


When passwordReset is true, this option controls how many hours a password reset request remains valid. If the confirmation email is not acted upon in time, the user must request a password reset again. The default is 48.


This option allows the user to change their password, provided they know their current password. This is helpful, but it does not help uers who have forgotten their passwords. For that, you should enable passwordReset (see above for concerns). You should bear in mind that this option is not as secure as requiring confirmation via email with `passwordReset.


If the throttle option is set to { allowedAttempts: 3, perMinutes: 1, lockoutMinutes: 10 } for this module then no more than three failed attempts per minute are permitted for the same account, after which the user is locked out for 10 minutes. If throttle exists, allowedAttempts defaults to 3, perMinutes defaults to 1, and lockoutMinutes also defaults to 1. This throttle is used for classic login requests as well as for totp login requests.


If this option is set to true, the user will be required to set up two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator or a compatible app (TOTP) on their next successful login, and all future logins will require the verification code. If this option is set to an object, you may specify sub-options:

totp: { groups: true }

The groups sub-option indicates that TOTP is only required for groups for which it has been activated. This usually only makes sense when the groups option for the apostrophe-user module is not set, allowing administrators to edit the configuration for groups, make new ones, and check the box to require TOTP.

# Notable properties of apos.modules['apostrophe-login']


Apostrophe's instance of the passport (opens new window) npm module. You may access this object if you need to implement additional passport "strategies."

# Promise events

# after

The promise event after is emitted after login succeeds. This is a good place to set req.redirect to the URL of your choice. If no module sets req.redirect, the newly logged-in user is redirected to the home page. The event handler receives req.

# before

The promise event before is emitted by the /login route, before any attempt is made to evaluate the login. It receives req. If it throws a string as an error, that string is internationalized and reported to the user as the login error message. This is useful to implement modules like apostrophe-login-recaptcha.

# deserialize

The promise event deserialize is emitted on every HTTP request by a logged-in user. It receives user, the object found in the database for this user. This event is used, for instance, to fetch group information related to the user. To avoid degrading the editing experience handlers for this event should be as fast as possible.

# Methods

# enableSerializeUsers()

Set the serializeUser method of passport to serialize the user by storing their user ID in the session.

# randomKey(len)

# getRandomInt(min, max)

# enableDeserializeUsers()

Set the deserializeUser method of passport to deserialize the user by locating the appropriate user via the apostrophe-users module. Then invokes the loginDeserialize method of every module that has one, passing the user object. These methods may optionally take a callback.

# deserializeUser(id, callback)

Given a user's _id, fetches that user via the login module and, if the user is found, invokes the loginDeserialize method of all modules that have one via callAll. Then invokes the callback with (null, user).

If the user is not found, invokes the callback with (null, null) (NOTE: no error in the first argument).

If another error occurs, it is passed as the first argument.

This method is passed to passport.deserializeUser. It is also useful when you wish to load a user exactly as Passport would.

# loginDeserialize(user)

On every request, immediately after the user has been fetched, build the user._permissions object which has a simple boolean property for each permission the user possesses.

Permissions can be obtained either via the group or via the user object itself, although there is currently no interface for adding permissions directly to a user.

admin implies edit, and edit implies guest. These are populated accordingly.

If you have admin- rights for any specific content types, you are also granted guest and edit (create) permissions for other types that are not restricted to admins only.

# enableLocalStrategy()

Adds the "local strategy" (username/email and password login) to Passport. Users are found via the find method of the apostrophe-users module. Users with the disabled property set to true may not log in. Passwords are verified via the verifyPassword method of apostrophe-users, which is powered by the credential (opens new window) module.

# enableTotp()

# verifyLogin(username, password, callback)

Verify a login attempt. username can be either the username or the email address (both are unique).

If a system-level failure occurs, such that we don't know if the user's login should have succeeded, then the first argument to the callback is an error.

If the user's login FAILS, the first argument is is null, and the second argument is false (no user).

If the user's login SUCCEEDS, the first argument is null and the second argument is the user object.

PLEASE NOTE THAT A USER FAILING TO LOG IN DOES NOT REPORT AN ERROR as the first callback argument. You MUST check the second argument.

The convention is set this way for compatibility with passport.

# getThrottleLoginErr(req, minutes)

# verifyPassword(user, password, callback)

Verify the given password by checking it against the hash in the safe. The callback is invoked with an error on failure, otherwise with null.

user is an apostrophe-user doc. If options.throttle is set to { allowedAttempts: 3, perMinutes: 1, lockoutMinutes: 10 } for this module then no more than three failed attempts per minute are permitted for the same account, after which the user is locked out for 10 minutes. If options.throttle exists, perMinutes defaults to 1 minute, lockoutMinutes also defaults to 1 minute, and allowedAttempts must be specified.

# verifyTotp(user, done)

# disableIfInactive(user)

# checkIfActive(user, callback)

# enableMiddleware()

Add Passport's initialize and session middleware. Also add middleware to add the req.data.user property. Now works via the expressMiddleware property, allowing control of timing relative to other modules.

# requireTotp(req, res, next)

If the user is logged in, require that they also have totp, otherwise kick them over to get it

# totpNeeded(req)

# getLoginUrl()

return the loginUrl option

# addRoutes()

Add the /login route, both GET (show the form) and POST (submit the form). Also add the /logout route.

# getPasswordResetLifetimeInMilliseconds()

# sendPasswordResetEmail(req, user)

Send a password reset email, with a magic link to a one-time-use form to reset the password, to the given user. Returns a promise; when that promise resolves the email has been handed off for delivery (not necessarily received).

NOTE: the promise will be rejected if the user has no email property to which to send an email.

# addUserToData(req, res, next)

Add the user property to req.data when a user is logged in.

# pushAssets()

Push the login stylesheet.

# addAdminBarItems()

# afterLogin(req, res)

Invoked by passport after an authentication strategy succeeds and the user has been logged in. Invokes loginAfterLogin on any modules that have one and redirects to req.redirect or, if it is not set, to /.

# checkPasswordRules(req, password)

Returns an array of error messages, which will be empty if there are no errors. The error messages will be internationalized for you.

# addPasswordRule(name, test, message)

Register a password validation rule. Does not activate it, see the passwordRules option. name is a unique name to be included in the passwordRules option array, test is a function that accepts the password and returns true only if the password passes the rule, and message is a short message to be shown to the user in the event the rule fails, which will automatically be internationalized for you.

# modulesReady()