# apostrophe-rich-text-widgets

# Inherits from: apostrophe-widgets

Implements rich text editor widgets. Unlike most widget types, the rich text editor does not use a modal; instead you edit in context on the page.

# Methods

# getRichText(widget)

Return just the rich text of the widget, which may be undefined or null if it has not yet been edited

# load(req, widgets, callback)

TODO We may want to use the default widget load, if we start having nested areas in rich text widgets to support lockups

# sanitize(req, input, callback)

# filterForDataAttribute(widget)

Rich text editor content is found in the div itself as markup, so don't redundantly represent it as a data attribute.

# addSearchTexts(item, texts)

# compare(old, current)

# isEmpty(widget)

# pushAssets()

# getWidgetClasses(widget)

# getWidgetWrapperClasses(widget)