# apostrophe-search

# Inherits from: apostrophe-custom-pages

Implement sitewide search for Apostrophe. Provides the apostrophe-search page type for the /search page, which you should include in your "parked pages" if you wish to have one (see apostrophe-pages).

Search is powered by the full-text search features of MongoDB.

# Options

# perPage: search results per results page. Defaults to 10.

# suggestions: if suggestions is true, and the notFound.html

template of apostrophe-pages contains this element:

<div data-apos-notfound-search-results></div>

Apostrophe will attempt to locate relevant pages by feeding the component words of the URL to the search engine, and display those suggestions.

If suggestions is explicitly false, this does not happen.

If suggestions is an object, this feature is enabled and the limit suboption may optionally be changed to a value other than 10.

For legacy reasons, if suggestions is not set at all, the feature still operates but attempts to obtain suggestions from /search. This will work adequately if you have an Apostrophe sitewide search page at that URL, but we recommend you set suggestions: true instead. This allows you to override suggest.html to customize the behavior, and also improves performance by using a simpler query for the 404 suggestions.

types: an array of page and piece doc type names allowed to be included in search results. If not present, this is determined programmatically. In the latter case, the searchDetermineTypes callAll method and the determineTypes promise event are fired. Implementations of these take an array argument and push new type names on it. apostrophe-pieces modules monitor this and add their name, or do not, based on their searchable option.

filters: an array of filters to be offered to the user, each of which is an object with a name property and a label property. If no entry has the name __else, an "Everything Else" filter is automatically added. This is because there are always page types and piece types that are edge cases not relevant enough to explicitly offer a filter for, but which should nevertheless be included in results.

# Methods

# pushAssets() [browser]

# modulesReady(callback)

# determineTypes(callback)

# enableFilters()

# suggest(req, q)

# indexPage(req, callback)

This method implements the search results page. It populates req.data.docs and provides pagination via req.data.currentPage and req.data.totalPages, not to be confused with req.data.totalDocs which is the total number of documents matching the search. The filters configured for the module are respected.

# beforeIndex(req, callback)

Called before each page of search results is rendered; override hook

# dispatchAll()

# docBeforeSave(req, doc, options)

Implementation of search indexing as documents are saved. Invoked via callAll by the docs module

# indexDoc(req, doc)

Index one doc for participation in search

# indexTask(apos, argv, callback)

Implements the apostrophe-search:index task, which re-indexes all pages. This should only be needed if you have changed your mind about the searchable property for various schema fields. Indexing is automatic every time a doc is saved

# indexTaskOne(req, doc, callback)

Indexes just one document as part of the implementation of the apostrophe-search:index task. This isn't the method you want to override. See indexDoc and getSearchTexts

# getSearchTexts(doc)

Returns texts which are a reasonable basis for generating search results for this page. Should return an array in which each entry is an object with 'weight' and 'text' properties. 'weight' is a measure of relative importance. 'text' is the text associated with that chunk of content.

# boilTexts(texts)

Reduces array of texts to a single space-separated string, passes the result through apos.utils.sortify to eliminate unwanted characters and case differences

# docUnversionedFields(req, doc, fields)

Invoked by the apostrophe-versions module. Identify fields that should never be rolled back