# Facebook open graph tags in Apostrophe

Facebook open graph tags can improve the way your pages appear when shared on Facebook, provided you use them correctly. The most frequently requested tag is og:image, followed by og:title, og:description and og:type. Often you can get away with just setting og:image. We'll look at how to do that.

However, any URLs you do set must be absolute URLs.

# Absolute URLs in Apostrophe

For reasons unknown to the rest of the Internet, Facebook has never implemented support for parsing relative URLs, even if they start with a /. They consider it an error. Why? Who knows.

You can get absolute URLs just by setting the baseUrl option:

var apos = require('apostrophe')({
  // Other options, then...
  baseUrl: 'http://mysite.com'
  // Then other options...

This can also be accomplished or overridden if necessary by passing the base URL in through the APOS_BASE_URL environment variable.

Once you do this, all URLs generated by Apostrophe, including URLs for pages, permalink URLs for pieces and URLs for uploaded files (unless you have customized your uploadfs configuration) will be prefixed with baseUrl, making them absolute URLs.

Note that you SHOULD NOT add a trailing slash to this option.

# But what about URLs in development?

This is great, but you don't want your development URLs to point at your production server.

So use a data/local.js file on your production server. Everything here is merged with the object you pass to apostrophe-site in app.js. And data/local.js is never deployed. You set it up directly on the server. So you can set absoluteUrls differently in production. For instance, here's a typical production data/local.js file:

module.exports = {
  // Absolute URLs in production
  baseUrl: 'http://mysite.com',
  // minify css and js files in production
  modules: {
    'apostrophe-assets': {
      minify: true

You typically don't want to turn on baseUrl in your development environment, except for testing the feature.

The object exported by data/local.js is merged with your Apostrophe configuration object. Since data/local.js is excluded from deployment, you can use it for server-specific settings.

# Great, I have absolute URLs. How do I generate my og:meta tags?

It's pretty easy, since data.page._url is now absolute, and so are your image URLs. Here's a classy example:

{# In layout.html #}
{% set context = data.piece or data.page %}
{% if context %}
  {% set firstImage = apos.images.first(data.context.thumbnail, 'thumbnail') or apos.images.first(data.context.body, 'body') %}
  {% set fbImage = apos.images.first(data.context, 'facebookImage') %}
  {% set description = apos.areas.plaintext(data.context.body) %}
  {% block extraHead %}
    {% if fbImage %}
      <meta property="og:image" content="{{ apos.attachments.url(fbImage, { size: 'full' }) }}" />
    {% elif firstImage %}
      <meta property="og:image" content="{{ apos.attachments.url(firstImage, { size: 'full' }) }}" />
    {% endif %}
    {% if description %}
      <meta name="description" property="og:description" content="{{ description | truncate(200) | e }}" />
    {% endif %}
    <meta property="og:url" content="{{ context._url }}">
    <meta property="og:title" content="{{ context.title }}">
  {% endblock %}
{% endif %}

# What's going on in this template?

  • This is part of our layout.html template, which all full-page templates extend when not doing an AJAX refresh. Some of those will just be "regular pages," others might be show.html templates for pieces. So we start by deciding if our context is a piece or a page. If it is neither, we don't try to set meta tags.

  • If there is a singleton named facebookImage in our context (tip: add it to the schema), we use that for og:url. If not we use the first image we find in the thumbnail or body areas. This allows for custom Facebook images, if you want to include them in your page or piece schema, and also allows for Apostrophe to track something down to use instead.

  • The body area is converted to plaintext and the first 200 characters are used to create the Facebook meta description. If you wanted, you could add a special Facebook description field to your schema, and output that instead.

# What if I need to construct an absolute URL to assets of my own?

You can access baseUrl directly in your page templates as of Apostrophe 2.13.0 and use that to prefix any site-relative URLs you may have. If the assets are being served by Apostrophe it is better to use baseUrlWithPrefix, as that will also do the right thing if you configure your site with a prefix option to serve it as a "virtual directory" of another site, and will still work if you don't. If their location is independent of the prefix, use baseUrl by itself.