# apostrophe-permissions
# Inherits from: apostrophe-module
# apos.permissions
This module manages the permissions of docs in Apostrophe.
# Options
By default, assigning any admin piece permissions to a group
(i.e. 'admin-apostrophe-image') will enable admin bar controls for
all other pieces. This is to make management of joined items simpler in
management dialogs. If this option is set to true
, the admin bar will
only show piece types that the user's group has been given explicit
admin or edit permissions on. You will need to manage permissions for
any joined pieces that also need to be editable.
# Methods
# can(req, action, object, newObject) [api]
Determines whether the active user "can" carry out the
action specified by "action". Returns true if the action
is permitted, false if not permitted.
This object emits a can
event that provides an easy way to
extend permissions. The can
event receives the request object, the
action, the object, and a result
object with a response
which is what will be returned by can
if no changes are made.
To alter the result, just change result.response
Actions begin with a verb, followed by a hyphen and a doc type name.
If there is no third argument, the question is whether this user can perform the action in question to create a new object.
If there is a third argument, this method checks whether the user can carry out the specified action on that particular object.
The newObject argument is used instead if the object is a new one not yet in the database. This is a backwards-compatible way to make it possible to consider properties of the object to be created before making a decision.
# criteria(req, action) [api]
Returns a MongoDB criteria object which will match only objects on which the current user is permitted to perform the specified action.
# addPublic(permission) [api]
Add a permission everyone gets in the generic case, even if not logged in. It is useful to add edit-attachment, for instance, to allow file uploads by anonymous users for apostrophe-moderator.
View permissions are handled separately.
You may pass multiple arguments, all are added as public permissions. If you pass an array as an argument, all permissions in the array are added.
# setPublic(permissions) [api]
Set all the public permissions at once. Pass an array of actions, like this: [ 'edit-attachment' ]
View permissions are handled separately.
# annotate(req, action, objects) [api]
For each object in the array, if the user is able to carry out the specified action, a property is added to the object. For instance, if the action is "edit-doc", each doc the user can edit gets a "._edit = true" property.
Note the underscore.
This is most often used when an array of objects the user can view have been retrieved and we wish to know which ones the user can also edit.
# getEffectiveUserId(req) [api]
Returns a user ID which is unique for this logged-in user, or if the user is not logged in, an ID based on their session which will continue to be available for as long as their session lasts
# add(permission) [api]
Register a new permission, so that it can be selected for
groups and so on. Call any time before modulesReady
(it's fine to call in your module's afterConstruct
The argument should be an object with value
and label
is the permission name, such as edit-attachment
is a short label such as Edit Attachment
# _check(req, action, event, _true, _false, object, newObject, then) [api]
# getEffectiveTypeName(type) [api]
Return the effective type name of a type name for permissions checks.
Normally this is the type name itself, however for pages it is
the generic apostrophe-page
, because pages can change type.
# userPermissionNames(user, names) [api]
Given a permission name, this method appends the user ID and the user's group IDs to each one and returns the resulting array. For instance, if the user's ID is xyz and the user is in groups with IDs abc and def, and this method is invoked for the permission name "edit", the return value will be:
[ "edit-xyz", "edit-abc", "edit-def" ]
Permissions with such names are stored in the .docPermissions property of each doc.
Permission names that imply "edit" are also included, for instance "publish-xyz" is also good enough.
Used internally to implement self.apos.permissions.criteria().
# getChoices() [api]
Return an array of permissions, as objects with value
and label
properties. Suitable for creating a UI to select permissions for
a group, for instance. Do NOT call before modulesReady
patch your schema field in modulesReady