# joinByArray

A joinByArray field expresses a one-to-many relationship between a type of apostrophe document, like pieces or pages, and another. After Apostrophe loads the original object, it will fetch the "joined" object and attaching it to the original via the specified name property.

For instance, if product pieces have a joinByArray field called _fabrics that relates them to fabric pieces, then the related fabric objects will be available as the product._fabrics array property of each product.


For performance, it is strongly recommended that you set a projection filter via the filters option, limiting the amount of information fetched about each related doc. You may also call other cursor filters by setting subproperties of the filters property. This is a useful way to limit the acceptable choices for the join.

# Example 1

  name: '_fabrics',
  label: 'Fabrics',
  // This is optional since the name of our join matches the name of the
  // other type, if the names don't match it is mandatory
  withType: 'fabric',
  type: 'joinByArray',
  filters: {
    // Fetch just enough information
    projection: {
      title: 1,
      _url: 1


You could separately specify slug, type, and tags, but using _url specifies sufficient information to generate the _url property with less writing. You'll see this in the next example as well.

# Relationship properties and joinByArray

Sometimes, the relationship between the two objects has properties of its own. For example, the relationship between a person and a department might have a jobTitle property. Yes, a person can have more than one job title!

You can express these relationships by using the relationship property, which allows you to specify a schema for the relationship. You may use most schema field types, however joins are not permitted inside the schema for the relationship. If the relationship is overly complex, it is recommended that you consider treating it as a third type of object related to both of the other two.

When you specify the relationship property, you may also specify relationshipsField, a property name to store the relationships in. If you do not specify this property, it is set automatically. For instance, if the join is named _departments, the relationships will be stored in departmentsRelationships.

# Example 2

  name: '_departments',
  label: 'Departments',
  // We could skip this since it is the same as the name of the join,
  // plus an s. Since we specified it, it must match the `name` property
  // of another type (it'll be singular)
  withType: 'department',
  type: 'joinByArray',
  filters: {
    // Fetch just enough information
    projection: {
      title: 1,
      _url: 1
  relationship: [
      name: 'jobTitle',
      label: 'Job Title',
      type: 'string'

Since there is a relationship, when the join is actually fetched and attached to an object the _departments property will be an array of objects with item and relationship properties. The item property will be the actual department, and the relationship property will contain the relationship fields, which are unique to this pairing.

# Inline relationship fields

Sometimes, expecting users to click a special button to access a separate modal dialog box to edit relationship fields isn't worth it. Users just don't find it, or the fields are few enough that it would make more sense to add the form field directly to the chooser.

You can do this with the inline: true flag (since 2.6.0):

# Example 3

relationship: [
    name: 'jobTitle',
    label: 'Job Title',
    type: 'string',
    inline: true

If you have a mix of inline and regular fields, you'll still get the option of opening the modal, but for data integrity reasons fields are presented only in one place or the other.

# Settings

Property Type Default Description Sub-property
name string Sets the name of the field in the database
label string Sets the label of the field that the user sees
required boolean false If true, the field is mandatory
contextual boolean false If true, it will prevent the field from appearing in a dialog box
type string Specifies the field type
readOnly boolean false If true, prevents the user from editing the field
help string Help text for the field that will appear with the field's label
htmlHelp string Help text with support for HTML markup
withType string The name of the related type, if it differs from the name of the join. If you do not set withType, then the name of the join must match the name of the related type, with a leading _ added.
idsField string Sets the name of the property in which to store the ids. The name of the property is chosen automatically otherwise.
ifOnlyOne boolean false If true, it will only carry out the join if the query that returned the original document returned only one document. This is useful if the joined information is only to be displayed on the show.html page of a piece, for instance, and you don't want the performance impact of loading it on the index.html page.
withJoins array If you need to carry out nested joins, set to an array containing those join field names. You may also use "dot notation" in these names to indicate that you want to follow a series of joins between related types.
filters object Provide a list of cursor filters to limit acceptable options for the join
relationship schema In the presence of relationship, the content of a join is loaded differently. If the join is called _departments then _departments[0] will be an object with item and relationship properties, in which item is the department and relationship contains the relationship properties, rather than a flat array of departments. name, value, type, inline
limit int Sets the maximum number of joined documents.


Beginning with Apostrophe 2.58.0, you may also set withType to an array of type names. When you do so, the chooser allows you to pick items of several types via a tabbed interface and create a combined list. These "polymorphic joins" are primarily intended for navigation widgets. They currently do not support pieces filters or joinByArrayReverse.