# apostrophe-browser-utils (browser)

# Methods

# sslIfNeeded(url)

If the current page in the browser is https:, make this URL https: too.

# camelName(s)


Convert a name to camel case.

Useful in converting CSV with friendly headings into sensible property names.

Only digits and ASCII letters remain.

Anything that isn't a digit or an ASCII letter prompts the next character to be uppercase. Existing uppercase letters also trigger uppercase, unless they are the first character; this preserves existing camelCase names.

# cssName(camel)

Convert other name formats such as underscore and camelCase to a hyphenated css-style name.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# eventName()

Create an event name from one or more strings. The original strings can be CSS names or camelized names, it makes no difference. The end result is always in a consistent format.


apos.eventName('aposChange', 'blog') → aposChangeBlog apos.eventName('aposChangeEvents') → aposChangeEvents apos.eventName('apos-jump-gleefully') → aposJumpGleefully

It doesn't matter how many arguments you pass. Each new argument is treated as a word boundary.

This method is often useful both when triggering and when listening. No need to remember the correct way to construct an event name.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# generateId()

Widget ids should be valid names for javascript variables, just in case we find that useful, so avoid hyphens. Prefixed with a w so it can always be distinguished from a cuid that came from the server; if we start using cuid in the browser we must keep the w prefix

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# escapeHtml(string)

Escape HTML as plaintext.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# globalReplace(haystack, needle, replacement)

String.replace does NOT do this Regexps can but they can't be trusted with unicode ): Keep in sync with server side version

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# padInteger(i, places)

pad an integer with leading zeroes, creating a string.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# capitalizeFirst(s)

Capitalize the first letter of a string.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# slugify(s, options)

Turn the provided string into a string suitable for use as a slug. ONE punctuation character normally forbidden in slugs may optionally be permitted by specifying it via options.allow. The separator may be changed via options.separator.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# clonePermanent(o, keepScalars)

Clone the given object recursively, discarding all properties whose names begin with _ except for _id. Returns the clone.

This removes the output of joins and other dynamic loaders, so that dynamically available content is not stored redundantly in MongoDB.

If the object is an array, the clone is also an array.

Date objects are cloned as such. All other non-JSON objects are cloned as plain JSON objects.

If keepScalars is true, properties beginning with _ are kept as long as they are not objects. This is useful when using clonePermanent to limit JSON inserted into browser attributes, rather than filtering for the database. Preserving simple string properties like ._url is usually a good thing in the former case.

Arrays are cloned as such only if they are true arrays (Array.isArray returns true). Otherwise all objects with a length property would be treated as arrays, which is an unrealistic restriction on apostrophe doc schemas.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# log(msg)

Log a message. The default implementation wraps console.log and passes on all arguments, so substitution strings may be used.

Overrides should be written with support for substitution strings in mind. See the console.log documentation.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# info(msg)

Log an informational message. The default implementation invokes console.info if available, otherwise an alias for apos.utils.log. Note that substitution strings may be used.

Overrides should be written with support for substitution strings in mind. See the console.log documentation.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# error(msg)

Log an error message. The default implementation wraps console.error and passes on all arguments, so substitution strings may be used.

Overrides should be written with support for substitution strings in mind. See the console.log documentation.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.

# warn(msg)

Log a warning. The default implementation wraps console.warn and passes on all arguments, so substitution strings may be used. If console.warn does not exist, falls back to apos.utils.error.

Overrides should be written with support for substitution strings in mind. See the console.log documentation.

The intention is that apos.utils.warn should be called for situations less dire than apos.utils.error.

NOTE: this method is not available if lean: true is active for apostrophe-assets and the user is not logged in.