# apostrophe-doc-type-manager-chooser (browser)
# Inherits from: apostrophe-context
# Methods
# load(callback)
# set(choices)
Set a new array of currently selected choices. Each should have label and value properties at a minimum
# get(callback)
# getFinal(callback)
# finalize(callback)
# add(_id)
# clear()
# remove(_id, refresh)
# refresh(options)
# convertInlineRelationships(callback)
# decrementRefreshing()
# enableLinks()
# enableAutocomplete()
# enableSortable()
# getBrowserType()
# launchBrowser()
# clone(options, callback)
Create a new chooser with the same data and options, merging in any additional options from the first argument. Async because the constructor is async. Delivers (err, newChooser)
# onChange()
# enableInlineSchema()
# decorateManager(manager, options)
Adds and overrides methods of the apostrophe-pieces-manager-modal to accommodate its use as a full-featured selection tool for the chooser, including the ability to create new items on the fly and choose them
# afterManagerSave()
# afterManagerCancel()
# pieceInsertedListener(piece)
This listener only actually gets installed for a chooser appearing in a manager