# apostrophe-ui (browser)

Provides apos.ui, a singleton that provides user interface features used throughout Apostrophe on the browser side.

# Properties of interest

# apos.ui.shiftActive

True whenever the shift key is down.

# Methods

# prepTooltip()

Utility that lets you add a tooltip to any HTML element using the data-apos-tooltip="YR TOOLTIP MSG" pattern If using outside of the current implementation (widget controls and chooser controls) you need assign your own event handlers

# createTooltip($el)

# removeTooltip()

# enableShift()

Sets apos.ui.shiftActive whenever the shift key is down.

# enableActionable()

Utility that lets you add the data attribute 'data-apos-actionable' to any element and have its apos-active class be toggled on click.

Optionally you can give the attr a value which can be used to target another element's active class to be toggled.

# enhanceDropdowns()

Implement automatic width adjustment for [data-apos-dropdown] menus that have a [data-apos-dropdown-button-label].

# enableClickUrl()

If the URL ends in: #click-whatever

... Then we locate an element with the attribute data-whatever, and trigger a click event on it.

This is useful for resuming an activity after requiring the user to log in.

# enablePrefix(prefix)

If Apostrophe has a global URL prefix, patch jQuery's AJAX capabilities to prepend that prefix to any non-absolute URL. This assists in avoiding the need for application code to be specifically prefix-aware and allows the prefix to be changed whenever needed. See also apostrophe-express

# enableStyledFileButtons()

Click the original file upload button if the styled proxy for it is clicked. Allows indirect styling of file buttons

# globalBusy(state)

If state is true, the interface changes to indicate Apostrophe is busy loading a modal dialog or other experience that preempts other activities. If state is false, the interface is unlocked. Calls may be nested and the interface will not unlock until all locks are released.

See also apos.busy for interactions that only need to indicate that one particular element is busy.

# pushGlobalBusy()

Call this method when the global busy mechanism is in effect, but you need to temporarily suspend it and allow interaction again. Must be paired with a call to popGlobalBusy. This is probably not what you need for most situations, see globalBusy.

If the global busy mechanism was not in effect in the first place, that is handled gracefully.

# popGlobalBusy()

Call this method when the global busy mechanism has been suspended, and you are ready to allow it back into effect. Must be paired with a call to pushGlobalBusy. This is probably not what you need for most situations, see globalBusy.

If the global busy mechanism was not in effect in the first place, that is handled gracefully.

# globalLock()

Do not call this method yourself. It is called by self.globalBusy to display the global spinner. Feel free to override this method to change the UI.

# globalUnlock()

Do not call this method yourself. It is called by self.globalBusy to hide the global spinner. Feel free to override this method to change the UI.

# busy($el, state)

Simple progress display. Enables a progress display inside the given element. If state is true, the element with a [data-progress] attribute is shown, otherwise the element with a [data-finished] attribute is shown. Neither element is required. Supports nested calls; does not revert to indicating complete until the nesting level is 0.

# redirect(slug)

Redirect correctly to the given location on the Apostrophe site, even if the prefix option is in use (you should provide a non-prefixed path). Note that when prefixes are in use it is especially important to use this method rather than simply setting window.location.href yourself.

# enhanceDate($el, options)

Enhance a plaintext date field with a pikaday date widget.

# enhanceColorpicker($el, data, options)

Enhance a plaintext color field with Spectrum

# formatTime(time, options)

Converts apostrophe-schemas 24 hour time field strings to local time. The format string depends on the userTimeFormat option passed to this module, which defaults to US 12 hour time. It must be understandable by launder.time, however that method is very tolerant.

Add a callback when a link is clicked to trigger a certain action.


self.link($el, 'edit', 'blogPost', fn)

When a click occurs on anything inside $el with a data-edit-blog-post attribute, invoke "fn" with the jQuery element clicked and the value of the attribute.

self.link('apos-manage', 'blogPost', fn)

When a click occurs anywhere on the page on something with a data-manage-blog-post attribute, invoke "fn" with the jquery element clicked and the value of that attribute.

Event propagation and the default behavior of the click event are both automatically stopped.

The word "object" refers to "the object of the sentence." It is a STRING, not a javascript object.

The object argument may be null if the language doesn't flow that way, for example 'apos-workflow-export' does not end with a noun, so just pass it as verb.

# enableAjax()

# ajaxInfiniteScrollHandler()

# ajaxSubmitHandler(event)

# ajaxClickHandler(event)

# ajaxContextOf($el)

Given a jQuery object, return the name of the ajax context containing it (the data-apos-ajax-context attribute of its closest ancestor that has one).

# ajaxGo(name, url, data, options)

Refresh the named data-apos-ajax-context with the content returned by the specified URL. The URL is submitted with the additional query data specified by data, if any; it may be a string (the output of serializing a form) or an object for convenience. The URL will be pushed to the browser history as specified unless options.push is explicitly false.

Any text input or textarea fields, and any other elements with a distinct data-apos-ajax-preserve attribute, are NOT refreshed; their ancestors are also not refreshed. This prevents loss of focus when typing which is a very severe cross browser problem otherwise.

After the replacement takes place, the enhance and ajax Apostrophe events are emitted, in that order, with a jQuery object containing the ajax context div as the argument.

Note that your event handlers for these should watch out for preserved elements and their ancestors, and not do things twice. You can address this by checking for data-apos-ajax-preserve and data-apos-ajax-preserved attributes.

If url or data contains an append parameter set to 1, then the portion of the new content that falls within an element with the data-apos-ajax-append attribute is appended to the corresponding element already nested within data-apos-ajax-content. However everything not in side the data-apos-ajax-append element is replaced in the usual way. So you can refresh the "load more..." button itself, filters, etc. even when appending just one page of content. This is useful for "load more..." buttons and infinite scroll.

# ajaxPopStateHandler(event)

# ajaxPushHistory(name, url)

Push the specified URL to the browser history, associating it with the named data-apos-ajax-context element in the page. Any apos-ajax query parameter is stripped off so that the history shows full-page URLs rather than ajax refresh URLs. You will not need to call this method yourself. It is called for you by ajaxGo.

# isAjaxUrl(url)

Returns true if the given URL is appropriate for an AJAX update when found within data-apos-ajax-context. To avoid unexpected results the default behavior is quite conservative: the URL must be the same as the current page, except for the query string and/or hashtag.

# ajaxError(err)

# replaceUnpreserved($old, $new, options)

This method is used to AJAX-refresh forms without breaking text input in progress and can also be used to single out other elements for preservation during an ajax replace.

The jquery objects $old and $new represent HTML container elements. $old is something currently in the DOM such as a form. $new is newly constituted from an AJAX call. Replace the contents of $new with the contents of $old, except that elements of $old with a data-apos-ajax-preserve attribute are preserved, and of necessity their ancestors are also preserved, because removing an input element from the DOM temporarily is as bad as removing it forever as far as text input in progress is concerned.

Each preserved element must have a unique value for data-apos-ajax-preserve, and this attribute must be consistent between $old and $new.

If options.text is true, all text input and textarea elements are automatically marked to be preserved, provided they have a name attribute.